Participant Testimonials

Who are our participants?


Our participants come from all walks of life and all ages, with a wide variety of professions, backgrounds and educational backgrounds. Or as one participant put it:


"A colourful mix of everything, many different forms of expression, from consulting, science, therapy, business, education, art, from students until shortly before retirement - all exciting encounters and an incredible amount of creativity - wow!“




Voices of our participants

About the training


"The modules have perfect timing, perfect preparation, perfect material, perfect setting, great content, great team - it couldn't be better." A.G., therapist


"It's not called 'Action Canvas' for nothing: The refreshing surprise was that we participants immediately learned to work on the canvas independently, i.e. learning by doing, or better by action. This inspired the participants and created a pleasant, productive working atmosphere. Not only the content, but also the trainers made the modules harmonious and special. Really a professional, attentive and comprehensive support of the participants". F.-M.S., musician


"The course and atmosphere of the training is just as its content - harmonious to the highest degree". E.K.B., lawyer


"You did great. And it's important to do the work on the canvas yourself, to feel yourself the energy envolved. I was really fascinated by that." T.W., Coach


"The training, like the method, works at all levels at once. Here mind, heart and body do not stand side by side, but are well connected." L.N., scientist and therapist


"I have learned and taken with me an infinite amount. And for the first time at the end of a workshop I feel that all this knowledge is not jammed in and around my head. Somehow it has sunk into deeper layers, I don't really know where it is now. But it's there - and it's available immediately." L.N., scientist and therapist


"I clarified big questions for me in the workshop. Now I feel like a newborn baby who just wants to sleep." F.-M.S., musician





If you would like to learn more about the training from the people behind the quotes, we will be happy to put you in touch.


More voices of our participants

About the method


"The important thing is to clearly get the concern - because there is the energy. Instead, we usually keep bobbing around with half-baked goals and wondering why the realization keeps getting stuck." T.W., Coach


"At last an approach that makes all our needs for meaningfulness applicable to very practical action, in which the reference to meaning does not remain in the mind, but rather comes to the level of will and action - and that in all freedom for every actor. A.B., teacher and artist


"The great thing is that the method works from simple to complex questions to life issues. And therefore helps from everyday life, to business, to therapy." L.N., scientist and therapist


"I feel like trying it in my contexts now, working with it. It's challenging, but I look forward to it. …. Somehow I still can't really imagine walking up to the customer with the rolled up canvas under my arm, hanging it up and getting started. But it comes - and the key fits." C.P., consultant and coach


"The approach is extremly useful for companies. Because even there it is important to take all levels with you when acting and deciding, not just the head." J.H., Project Lead for Software Products


"By bringing perception into contact with the will and focusing on action, the method generates real power. Not blind ego power, but power to act and to take the respective environment with you in a creative way". S.R., science manager at a university


"Many features of this approach can be found similarly in other methods and processes, but not with this particular twist: the focus on the concern, the logic of harmony and the perception of the whole as forces in a field of action, this triad is unique and has tremendous impact. C.P., consultant and coach


"I think I can feel a little bit of what it means and may have cost to dig so deep and filter out this essence, after having spent 28 years myself to achieve something similiar in my field. What you have found here also has this special quality, through which I feel addressed, even accepted, as a human being right down to my roots. A.B., teacher and artist


About the Harmonic Action Canvas


"It was exciting to see how the canvas in my projects repeatedly loosened the knots where it used to hang. That really moved me forward". K.M., serial founder, business angel, start-up mentor


"It is delightful to experience what crystallizes in such a piece of paper, what depth it has. I look forward to working with it." E.K.B., lawyer


"I love to work with the canvas because I use it to structure my thoughts without anyone putting any interpretations on me. I remain free to do so." A.B., teacher and artist


"I see a great field of application for the Canvas in therapy, because it reveals and makes things visible, on which one can then work more deeply. And at the same time, it always shows you where you are in the process." A.G., therapist


"The canvas supports a empathetic observation of influences, which interlocks everything, creates new connections and thus leads to new perspectives and impulses. This is exactly what I experience during the training". S.R., science manager at a university