WisdomThinking® Potentials Coaching

The WisdomThinking® Potentials Coaching training course will turn you into a wise sparring partner for your clients in 13 days. You will support your clients in gaining an overview and orientation of what they can do to realize their full potentials. To find their real concerns and harmonious solutions for them. For all those who do business, whether SME customers, founders, the self-employed, or those who want to become self-employed or are wondering what exactly their passion is.



In contrast to WisdomThinking® Coaching, Potentials Coaching focuses less on the leadership issues of individuals and more on the company as a whole. This means the company as an actor as well as an action, i.e. the company as an organization as well as the activity of acting entrepreneurially.


Potentials coaching looks at companies particularly in terms of alignment, strategy and decision-making. This involves working out and visualizing the company's concern and the factors influencing it. The situation, context, orientation, strengths and weaknesses as well as the company's need for change are analyzed in a holistic manner and ways of transformation are developed and tested. With the WisdomThinking® method, you help your clients to find the direction in which they want to go in view of their initial situation, which resources they can mobilize for this and what are good steps to take in order to arrive at harmonious solutions.



Why Potentials Coaching with WisdomThinking® ?


All-rounder as a sparring partner: Our experience is that companies and entrepreneurs often need a sparring partner who has an eye on the company beyond the numbers-driven perspective of traditional consulting. Someone who understands the world of SMEs, start-ups and the self-employed, knows what makes employees, customers and the environment tick and how important the issues of sustainability, financing/liquidity, risk management, employee management and corporate culture are today. This is precisely because in these cases all functions are considered from a single source even more than in corporations, because personal contact with employees and the environment still plays a much greater role, there is often an owner family and everything is closely linked. And yet SMEs, start-ups and the self-employed have to prove themselves in the same markets as their major competitors and often do this extremely well as "hidden champions".


Wise decisions with harmonius solutions: Precisely because the common concern of all stakeholders is often still readily tangible in such companies, there is a great opportunity to use WisdomThinking® to make it the central starting point for entrepreneurial action. In this way, "wise decisions" can be made time and time again that are elegantly based on the company's situation and its options for action.


Target group: The training is aimed at all (potential) consultants, founders, the self-employed, SME entrepreneurs and managers who want to add an important dimension to their skills: the resonant perspective with the WisdomThinking® approach. In our experience, this is an important addition for many consultants who want to understand their clients' situation more comprehensively before offering their specialist expertise. But also for many coaches who already have a foothold in an SME through their coaching work and are then confronted with questions that go beyond the usual coaching skills and experience.



What can you do better at the end of the training?


With WisdomThinking® Potentials Coaching, you can confidently


  • work with the WisdomThinking® method and the Harmonic KMU Guide
  • help your client quickly and thoroughly clarify his situation and concerns
  • identify how different influencing factors relate to each other
  • better identify the concerns of the company or entrepreneur
  • thereby gain strength and orientation for their further actions
  • find new harmonious solutions
  • help the management to decide more confidently under uncertainty (VUCA) (alone or in a team)
  • involve all participants or even turn them into (co-)entrepreneurs, and
  • then get what needs to be done really effectively "on the road".


Because WisdomThinking® strengthens the clients' ability to "read" the context of a decision well, thereby minimizing bias and noise in their judgment (Kahnemann) and better engaging all stakeholders.



Training content (13 days in total):


Content of Module 1: Kick-Off (3 days)

  • Compact introduction to the resonant mindset as a central basis for WisdomThinking®.
  • Getting to know the method with its change of perspective towards the perception of the context as a reservoir of interrelated resources
  • Working with the Harmonic KMU Guide as practical tools with their strong visualization, structuring and logic
  • Working out and practicing the harmonious approach, first in the simplest application case, namely the action of the individual.


Content of Module 2: WisdomThinking® as a Potentials Coach (2 days)

  • The perspective of working with third party concerns
  • Dealing with process, factual, professional and relationship levels
  • Subjectivity of soundness
  • Mindset of the Potentials Coach, especially impartiality, non-judgementalism
  • Special consulting skills at WisdomThinking®
  • The art of resonant conversation.


Content of Module 3: The work process of the Potentials Coach - Part 1 (2 days)

  • The specifics of third party concerns in different constellations and roles
  • The field perception: Perceiving forces and their resonances with the help of different tools
  • The acquisition of a harmonious overall picture
  • From the field perception to the sharpening of concerns
  • The concern as a source of strength and orientation for the next steps
  • From the concern to the next steps: Ideas for the client's own coping and follow-up counseling formats.


Content of Module 4: The work process of the Potentials Coach - Part 2 (2 days)

  • From concerns to options for action to solutions (phases 3 - 5)
  • The internal and external perspective of working with groups and teams
  • Dealing with contradictions and differences when finding solutions
  • From solution to implementation (phase 6).


Content of Module 5: Important topics of Potentials Coaching (2 days)

  • Sustainability (ESG) as a concern, task and requirement
  • Financing and liquidity
  • Dealing with risks - avoidance and insurance
  • Employees - leadership and retention
  • Embedding in a harmonious corporate culture.


Content of Module 6: Conclusion, presentations and transfer (2 days)

  • Special organizational topics such as succession, future viability, sustainability, wise work, agility
  • Review and rounding up of the training
  • Presentations of a Potentials Coaching case from your own consulting practice as a final work
  • Certification



More information


Start and End Times:

Day 1 of each module: 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.,

Day 2 and Day 3, if applicable, each: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.


Number of participants: min. 6 and max. 12 participants.


Course management and trainers:

Dr. Martin Böckstiegel and Dr. Elke Böckstiegel


Scope of services:

  • The modules together comprise approx. 113 teaching hours of 45 minutes each plus breaks (approx. 104 time hours including breaks).
  • Drinks and snacks are provided.
  • License to use the Harmonic KMU Guide for your own work during the training.
  • All working materials will be made available in a separate log-in area created for the training.
  • Certificate of completion.



The participation fee is EUR 6,240 plus 19% VAT (EUR 7,425.60 gross). Installment payment and discount on request.


For participants who have already successfully completed the WT Coaching or WT Organizational Consulting training, participation in the very similar modules 1 - 4 can be omitted on request, which reduces the participation fee by EUR 4,320 plus 19% VAT (EUR 5,140.80). The remaining participation fee for modules 5 and 6 then amounts to EUR 1,920 plus 19% VAT (EUR 2,284.80 gross).


Contact and registration:

Harmonia Academy, Tel. +49.3491.8731377 or kontakt@harmoniaacademy.de


The course description as PDF and the dates as PDF.