WisdomThinking®️ - a method, mindset and toolbox for acting sustainably in a complex world.

a method, mindset and toolbox for acting sustainably in a complex world.


(click on photo leads you to the You-Tube-video)


Nowadays we all experience complexity very concretely on a daily basis in the effects of, for example, pandemics, climate change and social dislocation. Meanwhile it is proven that humans have become one of the most important influencing factor in causing the natural, social and cultural foundations of life to be in such a fragile state.

There are very good news: If humans created this, they have the keys and power to change it. So if our actions have led us this far, let´s change the way we act. This raises the question of what actions we can take to solve the challenges thus created.

This session adresses the following:

  • How do we need to act to deal with the complexity of the world in a more harmonious and sustainable way?
  • Why it is so essential to act with a mindset that systematically produces sustainable solutions in our complex world?
  • And how the WisdomThinking®️ method and tools aiming at exactly this end.


